Tuesday 28 September 2010

Location, Props, Editing Techniques- Hayley Donovan

  • Hyde park
  • Victoria Park
  • Covent Garden
  • Canaby Street
  • Living Room
  • Green and Red Apple
  • Flower
  • Mini Popcorn
  • Television
  • Pillow
  • Candles
  • Pennies
  • Leaf Blower
  • 3 Pairs of Shoes

  • Slow Motion
  • Stop Motion- (Camera)
  • Transitions-(Ripple)
Shoes Ideas
Female 1
Male 1
Female 2

Lyrics Deconstruction- Group

Music Introduction

Oh, oh, baby I want you to know
Location: Brick Lane
Setting: Female shoe dances against Brick Wall as Street Dancer, Money being chucked
Setting: Cobbled Street, Brick Wall
Mise-en-scene: Coins, Female Boots
Cinematography: Low to floor, Straight on, Close-up

How good it feels to be with you
Location: Park
Setting: Female shoe Sitting at Bench
Mise-en-scene: Bench, Guitar, Female Boots
Cinematography: Low to the Floor, Straight on, Close-up

Location: Park
Setting: Female Shoe sees Male shoe approaching her at the Bench
Mise-en-scene: Bench
Cinematography: Low to the Floor, Medium Shot
Editing: Slow Motion

But I'll never let it show

Location: Park
Setting: Male shoe shuffles towards Female shoe
Mise-en-scene: Bench, Guitar
Cinematography: Low to the floor, Close-up

Because the moment that I tell you

You turn right around
Location: Park
Setting: Male and Female Shoe Sitting Beside each other on Park Bench; Male shoe reveals two apples and gives to female which they then begin to eat.
Mise-en-scene: Bench, Male and Female shoes, Two Apples.
Cinematography: Low to the Floor, Straight on shot
Editing: Quick cuts and Stop Motion

And then I'll never see you again

Location: Park
Setting: The male and Female get up and walk away together down a Path
Mise-en-scene: Male and Female shoes
Cinematography:Close-up, straight up shot and Mid Shot, Low to the floor angle.

As my heart's pulled out

Location: Front Room
Setting: Dark Room Male and Female shoes watching movie whilst eating Pop Corn as on first date
Mise-en-scene: Pop Corn, TV, Film, Male and Female shoes, Cushions.
Cinematography: Side angle, Low to the floor shot and Over the shoulder (Over the ankle shot of TV)

Oh, oh, baby I want you to know
Just how much I like you

Location: Grass Field
Setting: The male and Female shoe skip together through field of Grass as on second date
Mise-en-scene: Male and Female Shoes
Cinematography: At an angle, Mid Length shot.
Editing: Slow Motion
But I'll never let it show
Because the moment that it happens

Location: Park
Setting: Male shoe sees female shoe through a bush and walks over her. He hands her a flower.
Mise-en-scene: Flower, Female and Male shoe, Bench and Guitar
Cinematography: Over the shoulder and Point of View shot
Editing: Stop Motion

You'll disappear

Location: Park
Setting: Female shoe is coming out of what was a day dream about the guy shoe.
Mise-en-scene: Bench, Guitar, Female ad Male shoe
Cinematography: Extreme close-up
Editing: Ripple effect
And then I'll feel real stupid

And I'll go back to sleep
Location: Repeat of Male shoe walking towards Female on bench except he walks past her to his other high healed girlfriend shoe.
Setting: "
Mise-en-scene: "
Cinematography: "
Editing: "

Uh uh uh

Location: Park
Setting: Male shoe kisses Female girlfriend with female shoe watching in the background
Mise-en-scene: Male, Female shoe 1 and 2
Cinematography: Close up, hazed background and then hazed foreground

Oh, oh baby I want you to know

How good it feels to be with you

But I'll never let it show

Location: Park
Setting: Male shoe and Girlfriend sit next to other female who then slowly shuffles and walks away down a path into the distance.
Mise-en-scene: Male and female shoes, Guitar and Bench
Cinematography: Low to the floor shot, straight on angle.

Because you're just as clear as me

And you don't know how to deal
With feelings that are strong like these
The feeling of love

The feeling of love

The feeling of love
The feeling of love

Location: Park

Setting: Male and Girlfriend Shoe sitting at bench Laces tie together to symbolise their relationship.
Mise-en-scene: Bench and male and female shoes
Cinematography: Low angle, straight ahead, close-up
Editing: Stop Motion

Monday 27 September 2010

Videos of Inspiration- Hayley Donovan

T-Shirt Wars

This video was an inspriration to our group , as we wanted to put in stop motion into our music video , and we thought that this would help us to compared our stop motion to there's. Also we would be able to pick out bits of our stop motion that we could improve on.

Shoe Inspiration

This video was also an inspiration to our group, as it helped us to see the stop motion in relation to shoes and when it comes to editing we are able to compare our video to this video.