Tuesday 11 January 2011

Weekly Log Tuesday 11th January - Scarlett Giannotti

This week we continued with the Design of our Digipak - However we didn't want to make any rash decisions without the whole group together as Four Ideas combined may be better than two!
Therefore we had arranged to meet up during the week and fianlise the plans for our Digipak which I would then Draw up.

Weekly Log 11th January- Hayley Donovan

During this lesson, we had to continue research into music advertisements and write about how the example portrayed conventions of a typical music advert.

We also continued on a digipak as the deadline in only just a week away and we do not want to fall behind, this part was quiet difficult as our group was two people down and did not want to make rash decision that the other member disliked.

We have a plan to meet up during the week in our own time in order to complete the digipak by the deadline.

Other forms of Music Advertisement- Hayley Donovan

Even though in our coursework we are designing a magazine advert for our song , we could consider how other forms of advertisement could boost the popularity of the song.

TV Adverts...

On the television we see constant adverts on the new releases of albums , this is a clever way for an artist to promote an album/single , because most of the population has a TV in their household. With a TV advertisement not only does the audience see what the album looks like, but also they hear current songs that feature on the album. This boosts consumption, because they may hear a song they like, that they have not heard before.

This Tv advert for 'Alicia keys' Includes all featured songs and awards that she has won. This is a great way too elevate her record sales and draw attention to a new audience.


Billboards is another good way of promoting an album, in you go into the city of london their are billboards everywhere of all kind of different advertisements. One including music advertisements, because they are so big and captivating it is hard for anyone to miss it. So again another great way for an artist to draw attention of the population.

This billborad features 'Christina Aguilera' and includes songs featured on the album and the date it comes out. The images shown are captivating as they are quiet unusual therefore drawing the attention of passers by.


Radio stations are listened to all over the world, so this type of advertisement is a way of in a sense 'telling the truth' the audience can get a feel of how important the artist feels about the album and how genuine they are.

This is a Radio interview with Beyonce on her new album "I am... Sasha fierce".

Example of Advertisement - Jay Gomez-Morales

This advertisement poster is a very good example which shows conventions of music advertisement.

This poster as you can see is of Eminem's latest album 'Recovery'. It shows various examples of conventions of music advertisement. For example, it shows his logo at the top which is his name with the second E backwards and the name of the album underneath. There is also a clear image that represents the album. A long empty road which Eminem himself is walking down, which could symbolise his long road to recovery. Another convention is that the album poster clearly shows the release date so consumers would be able to purchase it. The poster also shows record labels and his website. The poster gives names of some of the tracks on the album which include collaborations with artists such as Pink, Rhianna, and Lil' Wayne The colour scheme chosen for this also fits in well with the name of the album 'Recovery'. Dull and dark colours have been chosen such as grey and black. The image of a white cross inside the red circle is very well chosen as it represents hospitals and with the album name being Recovery, people would associate this with getting better. Here is Eminem on BBC's Radio One with Fearne Cotten. On this interview Eminem discusses his new album Recovery. This is another form of how music is advertised.

Example of a Music Advertisement- Hayley Donovan

This Album Poster advertisement for Britney Spears, this poster includes colours and symbols to match the title of the song. The deep red is normally associated with a circus , the font also is an association becuase this type of font is typically seen everywhere when you go to a circus display.

The Artists name' Britney Spears' is in big bold lettering which entices the audience and it is a clear indication of promotion of the artist. However on this advertisement there is no image of Britney Spears included, this may be be because Britney spears is known around the world and there is no need for her to self- promote.

It also includes a name of a song that was top in the charts , which can draw in an audience who enjoyed  'Womenizer' , making them buy the whole album itself.

Music Magazines- Hayley Donovan

Music channels on the television give us a direct insight to all the new music in the charts, however music magazines are the ones who are able to promote songs and let the audience know about the background insight to artists around the world.

There are many music magazines for different genres, this enables audiences to pick a magazine that suits the type of music they are into.

Also Music magazines help to promote an upcoming artist that may not be in the charts yet but have great music to show to the world
This image , is how NME helps to promote new bands that have just come on the music scene.

List of Music Magazines:

GlideFocuses on the artistic music and independent record labels.

New Musical Express (NME)
UK-based, the biggest-selling weekly music magazine in the world. Presents music news around the clock, reviews from around the world, interviews, and a concert guide.

Rolling Stones
 Focuses on mainly the rock genre however can include hip-hop and other genres. This magazine give exclusive interviews and articles and top covering stories in the music world.

 Rolling Stones Magazine                                                        Glide 

Example of Advertisement - Jay Gomez-Morales

Michael Jackson's 'Thriller 25th Anniversary' album Advertisement consists of conventions such as the artists Name, a specific colour scheme,an image of the artist. However, this poster do not include other conventions such as tour dates, the album's release date, it has no reviews and no headlines.
However, this poster does show information about the album telling the consumer how successful the album has been when it was first released 25 years ago and the awards that the artist won during the time of the album's released. 

Example of a Music Advertisement- Hayley Donovan

This music advertisement firstly draws the attention of any person, the extremely bright vibrant colours relfects some of beyonces upbeat songs that is on the album. The dress of Beyonce gives a sense of ' Joseph technicoloured Dream coat' the west show which can also appeal to other target audiences.

In relation to the title , Beyonces name is in a stylish font that stands out against the rest of the other wording, this attacts the consumer eye, which is a key convention to any music advertisement.

The advertisement features " New Album in stores now" this is a clear indication the the audience that they are able to buy the album.

Advertisement Design Ideas - Scarlett Giannotti

Music Poster Advertisement Design 1 - 'Best Coast' titled will be kept in the same font as used on the Digipak design to portray a link between the two. The image from the Digipak front page is the same image as on this poster design which is a genetic advertisement convention. 'Feeling of Love' the name of the album and song to our music video is typed in a different and smaller font to the main eye catching title. Next to 'Feeling of Love' is a review and star rating by NME. Printed over the background image are the bands tour dates, locations and times. Towards the end of the poster is 'Mixican Summers' Logo and Best Coasts record label logo. Under this is a bold eye-catching font 'ALBUM OUT NOW - INCLUDING EXCLUSIVE UNSEEN MUSIC VIDEO AND HIT SINGLE BOYFRIEND'. This poster design includes all of the conventions of an advertisement as well as more relevant information. 
Music Poster Advertisement Design Idea 2 - The title for this poster is the same as design one; linking with the digipak font. Under the title is a review and star rating from NME. Underneath this is Mexican Summer and Kimono record logos. Before Tour date, location and times. The bottom right hand corner is bold and eye catching stateing in capitals 'ALBUM OUT NOW - INCLUDED EXCLUSIVE UNSEEN MUSIC VIDEO AND THE HIT BOYFIREND'. All of this information is printed on top of a still shot from our music video of the 'Busker' singing. This Poster design includes all of the conventions of an advertisement as well as more relevant information.

Music Poster Advertisement Design Idea 3 - Again the eye catching title is kept the same as it the colour scheme through out to link it with the digipak design. The background image would not be from the Music Video but an image I found from the Internet of Best Coasts lead singer. Printed on top are tour dates, locations and times; review and star rateing from NME and bold statements 'ALBUM OUT NOW - INCLUDING EXCLUSIVE UNSEEN FOOTAGE OF MUSIC VIDEO AND THE HIT SINGLE BOYFRIEND.' This poster design includes all Advertisement conventions apart from record labels however it also includes other relevant information. 

Example of Music Poster Advertisement - Scarlett Giannotti

Rhianna 'R Rated' Music Poster Advertisement consists of conventions such as the Artists Name/Band Title, Specific colour scheme and font linking with the CD design and Music Video. These posters however do not include any relevant information such as tour dates (if any) when the Album is on sale, its price, the record label or reviews which Description and Evaluation which does not make it as affective as it could.

Monday 10 January 2011

Advertisements - Scarlett Giannotti

Rihanna's 'LOUD' Album Promotional Pack
Poster Advertisement 1

 Poster Advertisement 2
TV Advertisement

'Only girl in the World' Music Video

Example of a Music Advertisement by Scarlett Giannotti

This is a TV Advertisement for Miley Cyrus' 'Breakout' Album. This advertisement identifies what will be included in the 'Platimumn Edition, Double Disc' album; such as, Music Video DVD, the names of different songs, 2 Brand new songs, and the date of album release as well as featuring sneak previews of exclusive interviews about the album and the artists influences, live performances, Music Videos and the making of them. Genetic conventions of an Advertisement have been included such as the Artists name and Logo, the red and indigo colour scheme, specific font and layout which links to the album design, however there were no reviews.

Music in Advertising by Scarlett Giannotti

Music in Advertising means integrating music in (mass) electronic media advertisements in order to enhance its success. Music for this purpose provides different characteristics which makes it especially interesting for usage in advertisements.

The entertainment aspect of music helps making an advertisement more appealing to the viewer by simply making it more attractive respectively more aesthetic. By this increase in attractiveness an advertisement is able to engage more attention. From this point of view “music need not necessarily manifest any special affinity with a particular product or service in order to play an effective and useful function.” The music functions more as bridge between viewer and advertisement in this case.

Structure and Continuity
Another basic attribute of music is to support an advertisements structure and continuity. Therefore “music is used to mediate between disjoint images” Also it can emphasize dramatic moments within the advertisement. Accompanying i.e. a TV commercial music structures the told narrative, can tell a narrative itself or function as anchor which completes the overall meaning. It can i.e. create antagonist and protagonist within this narrative by giving them typical musical figures, harmonies or melodies.

It is far more likely to memorize a piece of music than spoken language or images because “music tends to linger in the listeners mind.”  “Early advertising music also had different aims. Music then was primarily used as a mnemonic device. Rhyme and reception were enlisted to keep a brand name in mind. ‘Singing commercials’ or jingles made up a self-contained genre.” Huron adds that it is “the most common musical technique for aiding memorability and hence product recall.” Companies use these for example to make the customers remember their phone number, webpage, their company name or at least a catchy slogan linked to the brand. But also non-jingle music can perform this task and stick in the customers mind.

Lyrical Language
In contemporary adverts the advertisers must overcome the viewer’s skepticism which developed over years through desensitization. This can become a pretty hard task. But since advertisers favor mostly poetic, emotional appeals over logical, informational appeals due to the shift from modern to postmodern advertisement music turned out to be a perfect tool to reach this goal. Music can provide a message without the customer consciously noticing it. For providing rational facts in the same time “mixtures of speech and song provide advertisers with opportunities for both logical, factual appeals [through spoken and written language] and emotive, poetic appeals [through music."]
Targeting and Authority Establishment
Different types of music can be attributed to certain kind of groups or life styles which makes it possible to appeal to these groups over using certain kinds of musical genres. Music can therefore function as a “nonverbal identifier” for certain groups with different musical taste because it is “arguably the greatest tool advertisers have for portraying and distinguishing various styles.”

Looking at these contributions of music towards advertisement it becomes obvious that these attributes work together in inseparable ways. Of course there could be added other categories. There is for example a difference between diegetic (the source of the music is visible) and non-diegetic (the source of the music is not visible) use of music which can have totally different effects in result depending on the adverts context. The overall task of advertisers nowadays should be to develop a “considerable practical experience in joining images and music to social and psychological motivation” and by this process create meaning which appeals to the target group and helps the advertisement to succeed.

Information researched from Wikipedia

Weekly Log - Monday 10th January - Scarlett Giannotti

Our first lesson back we were introduced to CD Advertisements; shown different examples and identified their conventions. Our task was then to continue in-depth research into different CD Advertisements and their conventions for our blog and to produce designs ideas for the completion of our Digipak.
There was a technical fault with my account therefore I began with my design Ideas for our CD Advertisement while Hayley posted about conventions of a CD Advertisement and Jess continued with the Digipak.

Example of a Music Advertisement- Hayley Donovan

This Music advertisement includes many key conventions. The first is the name of the artist in the top left hand corner, this draws the attention of the target audience, as people mainly look from left to right , also the name is in a bigger font to the rest of the text so it stands out on another level.

The advertisement includes lots of bright colours this reflects the mood of the song, it represents the light and vibrant lyrics and it matches the bubbly sense around the artist.

Thirdly it has included the logo of the record label, this is a key element as it helps the record label to promote themselves and tell the audience who is behind the song and artist.

Lastly in the top right hand cornor it lets the audience know where to buy the CD , this is clever on the advertisement part as it not only promotes 'HMV' but lets the audience know what shops to find the CD in.

Conventions of a Music Advertisement- Hayley Donovan

Conventions of a Music Advertisement...

Band/Artist Name: This is the key element that all music advertisements include, because the audience need to identify the artist who is promoting the CD/Album.

Image: Another key convention is an image that relates to the band/Artist. Also you can often see an image of the artist on the advertisement in order for the artist to self-Promote.

Logo- Mainly bands use logos on their album , they do this in order to be recognised by their target audience. Also the record label logo may be used in order for their label to be widely known for producing quality music.

Colour Scheme: The colour of the advertisement  reflects the mood and the genre of the song, as well the own artists image. For instance , for a rock band you associate them with dark colours Eg. Guns n Roses. However a new wave electric band/artist would have bright , vibrant colours.  

Reviews: Another convention of a music advertisement, is quotes and reviews from top music magazine such as - Mojo
             - Q

Headline: On the magazine advert for the album, it will usually feature the band name and album title etc, but will also have a main headline selling the product and grabbing the attention of the target audience. Usually, this is big and stands out and is usually put across the main image so the two connect and stand out.