Saturday 22 January 2011

Bestie Boys cover- Jessica Hung Han Yun

The beastie boys digipack is very famous in its design. The design and the aesthetics of this digpak is amazing. Its pure and simple design to the pack gives a fresh look on it and certainly makes its stand out from any other digipack. The simple graphics that it clearly presents gives ana audience member not to much to look at yet it is so appealing at the same time cause of its unusal design. 
The digipak does not just having amazing and clear graphics it also has all the conventions and features needed for it to be a digpack. 

It has a advistory sticker this sticker means that it it warns that there is content in the cd/digpak that will have to be for those of a certain age and must be checked by parents to see if the approve for younger children as it can contain lyrics that have sexual comments, or vulgarity, or otherwise nasty material. So this sticker warns parents and the consumer of the product. 
Another convention is that it has a number of sides to the product and the material of the digipakc this material is cardboard however folding board a tpe of cardboard whihc is very resisant to rips and this means that the material will keep for a long time and long periods for the consumer to containing the cd(s). 

It has information within the digipak too this is a very importnat convention within the inside of this digipak it has information on the badn howevr then it mainly contains the lyrics on the inside. this is very important factor that seems to crop up in every digipk making it extremely useful as this helps the consumer see what meaning within the bands intention for songs ect helping the consumer get closer to he artist/band.

With the digipak it also contains a barcode on the back track listings and information about copyright from the record company. These are features whihc we must include in our digipak to make sure that its clear that the actual final product is. 

However even when considering the factors/features that make up a digpak another importnat thing that we must note and make sure that we achieve in our digipak is that it relates to our final music video and that it reflects the style/genre of the style of the music and the music video. Yet the digpak MUST be appealing to the audience otherwise it will not sell as a product so it must be pleasing to the eye this will be ahcieved by using effects on photoshop to enhance photos and to enhance the style of the digipc so considering the placing of everything is importnat as on this digipak it is very well thought out as the spacing of the pictures from the font and the writting is at a right amount and the shape style and teh size of the font is also what we must consider this is so importnat otherwise our digipak could look totally out of place and will not achieve looking appealing ot the audience and it will not be clear to the audience that it links to our music video if the digpak is to crowded with information and picutures if its all crammed onto one page it will make it look clutered and the audience will not wnat to read or look at the digipak

Considering all these factors I have relised the importnace of market researching into other products to ensure that out product will sell and will promote the band/artist in the main. 

Advertisement: Picture and Font- Jessica Hung Han Yun

Font chosen: Rosewood STD
Picture: 'HER' shoe

With the final advertisement thinking about font and the picture was an extremely important factor towards our final product. The importance of font to a poster/advertisement will portray to the audience how professional the advert is and with the font it will capture the eyes of the audience and can show what type of a poster we want to show to the audience. 

With the font we had to carefully scan though the long list of fonts to find the perfect font. With this font we wanted to make sure that it linked to the actual digipak to ensure that the audeince will link these to products together to ensure that they buy the right product. Will the font this will make the audience link the font on the advertisement to the font on the digipak which is very important to mkae sure that you promote your product correctly. With the font we had to also  consider the colouring of it which means that we wanted it to also make a link to the digipak. The colours on the poster (on the picture) are the colours which re also used in the digipak, we thought that this would help in estblishing a connection with the two products. 

Then we had to decide in the pictures which we wanted to put on the digipak, this was the very mean feature on the page that would capture the audience most. So in clearly chosing this photo we knew that it would influence and be the main reason why the reader/viewere would stop and look at the poster. Yet we also knew that to show that it links to the digipak and also to our final project (music video) we had to include the main character (her shoe) to enforce the idea of 'her' being the main focus showing that the her shoe was the artist singing. So as a group we decdied that using the frount cover picture would be the most approiate to the advertisement, so that its easier for the audience to assoicate the advert with the music video and also with the digipak. 

Then the next task was to ensure that the picture that we had chosen for the advertisement went very well with the font that had been chosen. This to ensure that together they would portray and reflect the message we want to convey and the link that we wanted to show the style/genre by putting together the font and the picture. When doing this we discovered the the font 'ROSEWOOD STD' was the most suited to what we wanted which was a simple yet was quirky and unusual that had a nice twist to it, as the song is unsual yet has a certain likeness about it which is definately what we wanted to achieve and feel like we have in this digpack. 

Establishing links in with the music video,digipk and the advert was the most important thing we had to do in this task and I think that we achieved this with extreme care and very well. As a group we had to make sure that we made decisions that would a) achieve the task to the highest standard b) ensure that included very ones ideas that would create a masterpiece that would appeal to everyone, and also to our target audience (tenns upwards) and that it would reflect the genre of the piece how its different to what you would usually find, as its not excaltly main steam however has a nice touch and a twist of difference in the music of best coast whihc we as a group attempted to ahcieve in all of our tasks (music video, digipak,advert) and I think personally we did achieve. 

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Weekly Log 17th January 2011- Hayley Donovan

 Monday the 17th of January , was the dealine for our music advertisment and digipak to be finished. So we used the lesson time well , to ensure we got it all completed. In order to meet the dealine we split the work up between the group so it would get all done.

Scarlett and I devised the advertisement , we used the software 'pages' which gave us a great template to work from. 'Pages' gave us the template so we could get the advertisment that looked original and professional.

Jessica worked on the digipak , as she had all the knowledge of working with 'Photoshop', she only had two panels to finish, this was good as she could take time in making them look the best she could.

We managed to finish the digipak and the advertisement, therefore we can now concentrate on the evaluation part of the coursework.

Final Music Video- Group

Monday 17 January 2011

Evaluation of Digital Technology used on Final Advertisement - Scarlett Giannotti

In order to create a professional looking Advertisement we would need to use a specifically featured soft wear with the abilities to do so. On the Mac we have the option between 'Pages', 'Photoshop' and 'Microsoft Word' soft wear. Each have the features for us to produce a professional looking advertisement of our Album. We decided to experiment and use 'Pages' - a soft wear none of us were familiar with as we had already used 'Photoshop' in the production of our Digipak. Pages is a word processor and page layout application developed by Apple; it is an easy-to-use application that allows users to quickly create professional-quality documents on their home computers. A number of Apple-designed templates comprising different themes (such as letters, résumés, posters, and outlines), are included with Pages. Among Microsoft Office applications, it competes with both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher, and has compatibility with both.
The layout of our entire design is to an angle; this was specifically set to give a 'laid back' sense to the viewers; the Music of the band is not dance/ Hard Rock but Mellow therefore the Layout of our Poster also had a Mellow, Chilled feel. We also included boxed text to separate chunks of information making it easier for the readers minds to take in and remember. We had to source the Internet for specific information such as Tour Date and Locations - but we also used images such as the 'ITunes' and 'HMV' logos adding a more universal appeal with an easily recognised logo. Another Image we also used was 'Best Coasts' record label 'Mexican Summer' logo; so the readers are able to identify who the label are and become familiar with the company or recognise it from another band. One of the conventions we included within our Advertisement Final design was a star rating; we selected a star image from the Internet and edited it for our Poster. However when we darkened the background colour we noticed the white background of the star images we had sourced from the ; therefore we use the 'Shape' feature from 'Pages' which allowed use to create a star shape for the ratings without a background.

Final Advertisement- Scarlett Giannotti, Hayley Donovan, Jessica hung han yun

Our Final Advertisement - Best Coast 'Feeling of Love'

Weekly Log - Monday 17th January by Scarlett Giannotti

This week we continued with the production of our digipaks and the design of our advertisements.
We collaborated as a group and incorporated each of our individual ideas. I researched conventions of Advertisements and evaluated other students work to incorporate variety, assess their effectiveness, identify conventions used and their strengths and weaknesses.