Thursday 16 December 2010

Comparrison of Animated Storyboard to Final Piece- Scarlett Giannotti

The changes from our original Animated Storyboard idea to our final piece are drastic; we developed different types of shots and angles within the final to show variety, adding a range of different perspectives therefore the viewer feels there and involved.

We filmed everything planned on the animated storyboard however when it came to editing we had too much footage and therefore had to minimise with the ability to be selective upon our work to use better quality shots - it was a compromise.

The first major cut was Date 2 scene in the park - when Male 1 gives female 2 a flower, this was a difficult scene to film which reflected through bad quality of acting and lowered the quality standard of our video. We decided to remove this scene because It was unnecessary to the narrative.

Another cut was varied shots and angles of the performance from the busker; this was crucial because footage of the story line was of more importance for the music video to make sense.

Another cut was the original animated storyboard ending due to lack of time; we filmed it but were unable to include the reflective ending of the character after time had passed instead we ended it more abruptly.

Best Coast and Mexican Summer Evaluation - Scarlett Giannotti

Best Coast is an American Indie pop trio based in Los Angeles, California. Members of the band are Bethany Cosentino, Bobb Bruno, Ali Koehler and past members were Jennifer Clavin (drums) and Adam Garcia (drums). The band is recognizable for their fuzzy, low-fidelity sound in the vein of surf rock and originated in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A from 2009 - current. Their genre of Music is a mixture of Indie pop, garage pop, surf pop. Founded by record label Mexican Summer
Further information can be found via their Website

Kemado Records is an American record label based in New York City founded in 2002 specialising in Rock, indie rock, alternative rock genre.

In 2008, Kemado introduced its Mexican Summer the label focuses on digital and limited-edition vinyl releases.

More information can be found via their Official Website

Here are the trade marks of both Mexican Summer and Kemado:

Target Audience - Scarlett Giannotti

Accessing current listeners of Best Coast (the Band) using my fellow peers I was able to identify their style, taste in music, likes and dislikes as research into our target audience. The target audience of Best Coast were a niche of indie music lovers, who like melodical music and strong meaning behind lyrics - not so into the commercial pop music. Our Music Video would appeal to teenagers from 16 - young adults, inappropriate for anyone younger; because of the strong message behind the lyrics regarding a relationship, heated footage included within our music video, a scene between the opposite sex and not having followed the typical music video convention of using people acting out a narrative but instead created an original love story between feet which younger viewers may not understand.

Our target audience would also have to be incorporated into the Digipak packaging design, concerts and pricing. - If the majority of Best Coast fans are in school/uni therefore working part time at a minimum wage they will not want to buy an expensive CD, especially when down loading from Itunes is available

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Weekly Log - Tuesday 14th December by Scarlett Giannotti

Our final Media lesson before we depart from school for the Christmas Holidays - this lesson was a recap of the Holiday Homework which was to complete the design and manufacture of our Digipak. Therefore we have arranged to have several group meetings to get this work complete. I will be supplying the Digipak case, from which we can begin the manufacture development.

This weeks lesson was also spent improving and updating the blog, supplying it with more information and detail about our final music video, digipak and poster A-Level project.

Emails from ' Mexican Summer'- Hayley Donovan

Email Back from Kemodo Records

This Is an image on the email we sent back to Jeffery of Kemodo Records

The Email back from Adam Shore- The manager of 'Best Coast'

We were quiet surprised that Kemodo Records emailed us back and gave us permission to use their songs. We Sent the address of our blog and were hoping he will review our progress of the  music video.

Weekly Log - Tuesday 7th December- Hayley Donovan

In this lesson first of we went through all the conventions of a Digipak that we researched the day before, so they were fresh in our mind. We were then asked to get into our groups and decide how we would start planning our own digipak.

First of all , we did a brainstorm of potential idea that we use , we wrote down what ever popped into our heads even if they were too far fetched. This helped up to pick out ideas that we wanted to use and which ones we thought would work well.

Then we drew out an outline of the digipak starting off with the inside, we decided to add pictures that would tell the story of of the music video.

Left inside panel: Girl and boy shoe sitting on the bench
Middle inside panel: Girl and Boy shoe waving goodbye to each other
Right inside panel: Boy shoe and slut shoe behind the tree

We then decided to add the lyrics to the inside left panel , because when the group researched examples of digipaks, it was a common convention that we found.

We then moved onto the front cover , our initial idea was the take a photo of the girl and boy shoe together with the slut shoe faded in the background. The title was going to be at a slant in the bottom right-hand corner.

Font:  Monotype Corvisa
Colour scheme: Burgundy and Cream to match the softness and urban colour scheme throughout the music video.

Monday 13 December 2010

Digipack Design Idea - Scarlett Giannotti

Our Digipack Design Idea is to combine images from our Music Video as well as capturing new ones. Images are a convention used within many Digipaks and CD covers; they are used to capture the attention of a shopper and engage them to analyse further. Digipak images (Photographs, Illustrations) can become a trade mark. Different types of image packaging represent the type and style of the band/artist and their music so the shopper knows what to expect. Best coast are a Low profile band who specialise in the niche market of music (Not Pop). Usually only famous and successful bands/artists (such as The Beatles) have the ability to sell records just off of their name and reputation with out the need of flashy, eye catching packaging or a personal image, however I feel with Best Coast keeping their Low Profile would maintain the mystery and a continue from their previous covers.

An photograph of old shoes (a character from the Music Video) with the Bands name and Tittle of the Digipak just to the side would be appropriate representation of the Band, their style of music and Fashion. Although having a personal image enables others to relate the artist, therefore images of Best Coast the band would be appropriate on inside packaging along with Background and History of the band, their personal quotations and Lyrics from each of the songs contained.  The back packaging would be one of the final images from the Music Video; the Busker walking off into the distance with her guitar; printed over this would be a list of the songs the Digipak will hold in order of play. Other relevant information provided would be, total time length of the Digipak, Reviews, copyright information, the price of the CD, the bar code, age and legal recommendation - such as 'Not for rental' and information regarding the special edition Music Video DVD included.
On the spine of the Digipak I would have the record label and the Bands name and tittle.

Here I have drawn my digipak Design Idea

The First Inside Panel would be a snap shot from our Music Video of the 'Busker' singing on her wooden stall with the lyrics to 'Feeling of Love' the albumn name a song to the Music video would be printed ontop. The Inside Middle CD Panel would be a simple dark background colour with the space for a disc.

The last inside Panel would be another still image from the Music Video of two characters 'Female 1' and 'Male 2' sitting alongside eachother on a bench. Printed over this is copyright information and the symbol.
 PICTURE HERE The first inside panel is also a stillshot from the Music Video of the 'Busker' singing. Printed over this are Lyrics from Best Coast's song 'Feeling of Love' - which is also the tittle of the album and track we used as Music Video.

Front Page is an image of the main character 'Female 1' within the Music Video - however this is not a still shot from the Music Video but links with it. The front page would also hold the name of the band 'Best Coast', the title of the album 'Feeling of Love' and a 'Special Edition' section.

Last Panel is 'Behind the scenes - Chillin with Best Coast' with different personal images of the band making them relateable.

Back Page is a still shot from the end of the Music Video; on the 'Busker' walking off with her guitar into the distance. Printed over this would be a review and star rating of the digipak, the songs included and the order they appear on the CD.

Weekly Log - Monday 13th December by Scarlett Giannotti

This week we finalised the plans of our digipak designs and began manufacture. We selected images and songs to be included within our design. We have decided to make our digipak a compilation including all of Best Coast's old songs as well as their new tracks, adding variety and value to our digipak as well as giving a true Best Coast fan/Music lover everything they would want simply included.

The amount of songs included on a Digipak varies however we have decided to included 20 selected Best Coast singles. These are as follows. (From New to Old)

1)Sun was High (so was I)

2) When I'm with you

3) Something in the way

4) Boyfriend

5) Our deal

6) Crazy for you

7) The End

8) Goodbye

9) Summer Mood

10) I want to

11) When the sun doen't shine

12) Bratty B

13) Honey

14) Happy

15) This is real

16) Each and Evey day

17) In my room

18) The road

19) So gone

20) Feeling of Love

We will also include a special, promotional CD of our Music Video to 'Feeling of Love'. And images of the band and characters within the Video to make them relate able and sell the product.

Comparison of Animated Story Board to Final piece - Jessica Hung Han yun

The changes from the animated story board and our final piece was quite significant. during the filming process there have been a lot that had changed in terms of what the order in the shots and the different shot types. Our first major change to the video which I talked about in the editing process was the cutting of the date in the park, this was major change that had to be done in order to be able to fit all of our footage in the music video in order for our narrative to make sense, so we had to comprise. This was because if we did not put the end footage in the music video then it would end on a very blunt note and it would not be as interesting to the audience however when we cut out the date in the park with these two characters the narrative would still make sense and would be much more of an input and much closer to our original idea.

Another change that had to be made was the shots of the performance. Originally we had the idea of having only about 2 different types of shots of the performer however when filming we made sure we got it from more different angels, during the editing process we decided to use more of the different types of shots of the performer, this was to give the audience more of a variety of shots in order to en capture them and to also make the performance much more interesting so the audience would not get bored of only seeing one shot of the performer throughout the whole of the music video.

There have also been minor changes made to the video such as the different shots of the angels that were used, we also changed the order of which some of the shots when during the end of the narrative to the story this was so then the shots would make more sense and when we did this we felt that it made the video much more appealing and professional. Throughout this process I learn new ways of improving our video along the journey this has helped in producing a music video that meets the conventions.

Target Audience - Jessica Hung Han

For the target audience of the music video it was for those of the age teenagers and upwards. I feel the this is our target audience because of the story line of the shoes and the narrative that we to the video would relate and we feel would be enjoyed more by those who understand it unlike children.

for the digipak we want the same to appeal to the target audience of those who are teenagers and those who are older too. This will be achieved by having a very appealing cover, that will relate to the band 'Best coast' and also relate tot he music video that we have produced. This will be done by using either the same characters we used in the music video or taking stills from the video to place in our digipak to make a clear connection to the audience that these two are related and this will promote/advise the band further.

By using and appealing digpak cover this will be eye catching and very different we will be including all of the conventions to a digipak for example we will have to have the name of the band and the name of the album on the front while on the back of the digipak we will have  tracklisting back code ect.

Editing-Jessica Hung Han Yun

During editing it was a long process meaning that I had to be extremely careful with what we would have to cut and how it would effect the whole of the final product. During the editing process we had moments where to had come across as predicament which we had to resolve. When I was editing I came across a problem which was when editing another clip this meant that the lip syncing was out of place for the other section of music video this was a huge problem that meant that we had to go back over a reedit shots with the lip syncing so for this to not happen we had to keep the clips that had been cut and we didn't use just in case that the clips needed to be lengthened again or reedited. 

When editing the most major problem that we encountered would have to have been the end of where we had too many shots and the narrative would not fit into the end of the song this entailed us having to shorten the narrative. We originally had extra shots of the shoes together on a date running in the park however we decided that this section was not needed, this was because we felt that we already had enough dates of the shoes together to be clear to the audience what is going on. We felt that the ending of the song was much more important than the park and from reviewing the rest of the music video we felt that the park scene was not to a high enough standard when it came to the final shots as there was not a good variety of shots for us to get different perspectives of them. 

Another major problem that I had encountered when editing was when we edited a partular point that we had already inserted into the video it would mess up the lip sycning in other sections of the video this would totally throw off the video and this looked unprofessional which is definately not what we wanted as a group. To stop this from happening any more than it did I ensured that in the process i was very precise with what i was including and would also confrount the group in deciding what was wanted and would only re-edit if the whole of the group didnt like the scene or section then we would edit. In this when it did happen (of whihc it did happen a few times during the process) i had to look back into the trash of Imovie and had to then search back for the clips that I had deleted from the page to link back onto the previose shot then re-edit to make the lip syncing back to normal This was a long process however was needed to make sure that it precise. 

In the editing process we had to resolve problems as a group however at certain points we all had a different opinions on certain shots or certain angels, as we all had a different view on how we saw some the end product however by comprising and talking as a group we were able to resolve the problems. 

Reviews - Jessica Hung Han Yun

NME: NME is a weekly music magazine, that enables fans to access interview from there favorite bands to being able to discover new upcoming music.  The review posted by NME for the best coast described the album 'Crazy for you as being 'a total throwback to slackerdom’s last golden period, the early ’90s, writing songs about her anti-ambition lifestyle which are soaked in washes of distorted guitars', the review from this highly established magazine praises the album for having a different sound that allows the audience to be a kid again.'

Pitch fork: 8.4/10********.4 Pitch fork is a website that is an essential guide to the music of independent record labels for the public. They have over 2 million reader every month it makes this website a site that is loved by the public. Pitch fork described the record as being 'overall gorgeousness has a whole lot to do with Cosentino's voice, which hits every pitch with equal clarity and intention of tone', being a record that is 'instantly likable' and 'endearing'.

Guardian: 4/5 **** The Guardian is a newspaper that seems to have everything from the music to the news (internationally) the music section is highly regarded by the readers as the report on the future of music. 

The great review to this album continues as the Guardian praises the album saying that 'It's all set to dreamy poppets of tom-tom heavy, hazy pop that rarely last more than two-minutes-30. A charming introduction'. 

The love for this record in all the reviews is very clear the relaxed mood of the album gives it a charming twist that seems to have everyone dazed. 

Record labels: 
The record label Mexican summer  is that similar to Kemado Records.  This record company has been described as the 'sister' of Mexican summer this record label, this label would be another label that would be interested in the sound of best coast. The bands that they have signed to the label too are much like diamond nights a band that is unusual in their sounds. 

Another record label would have to be Captured Tracks they have signed many bands that also have a similar sound to best coast. Such as Dum dum girls, the sound of garage rock seems to have a good rhythm to this  and  follows certain patterns that Best coast do in their album too.

Beach fossils has the sound of best coast and is on the record label Popfrenzy, this company is a independant record label that started in SydneyAustralia  by Chris Wu.

Quotes that we can use from record companies/reviews that we can place in our digipak:
  • 8.4 stars from Pitch fork describing the record as overall 'gorgeousness'
  • 4/5 Guardian 'charming'
  • 'Hazy pop'
  •  'Album for having a different sound that allows the audience to be a kid again.'
  • 'Endearing'
  • 'Crazy for You will sound pretty great all year round'

Planning of Digipak-Jessica Hung Han Yun

For the dimensions of our digipak we are going to produce a 6 panel digipak with these dimensions:  5.53" X 0.31" X 5" we are using these dimensions these are the usually measurements and this is a convention that we are going to use. This template that w were able to download from this website: 
From using this template it will enable us to get measurements that are correct and that are anthropometricly correct to a person (so the size of the digipak will be relevant not to big or not to small) this is the template for a 6 panel digipak that I was able to find: