Tuesday 23 November 2010

Documenting - Fourth Day of Filming- Jessica Hung Han Yun

This was our final day of filming, we had to plan before hand the finishing shots that we would need. Before the the filming process we decided that it would be helpful and essential if we created a check list of the remaining shots, we did this by our animated storyboard which visually helped in us bring it to life our ideas.

After this we created a time plan, which we attempted to stick by, this was also a important factor this time plan was to ensure that we had the appropriate lighting so we did not lose light and that it would not affect our filming.

After collecting our equipment, we headed on off to start the last day of filming. Much like the other days of filming we had to constantly be on the look out for passers by to ensure that they would not get in shot or that we were not in any ones way. From filming in a small pathway by a field, it was very hard to get the right angles on some of the shots and it became very awkward when using the tripod because of the  floor angles that we were trying to achieve. So we had to improvise and used the tripod at some angels however sometimes we had to just use a pile of books to get low enough to film this technique was to ensure that we could get the shot however also that the camera was straight having a straight shot was very essential to the process to make the video look much more professional and convincing to the audience.

When we had finally finished filming this section we had  one more section to complete, having us to journey up to Brick Lane again. However we had to hurry because we had become behind schedule this was due to having to wait for passers by to pass so that they would not get into shot this resulted us in being a little behind our time plan.

Filming up Brick Lane was much easier for the group as the street that we had picked was not very populated with people, so this made it much easier for us to film without being disturbed. There was however a let down as there was a change in lighting this was due to the weather taking a unexpected turn however we managed to incorporate this into our music video as we decided that this lighting complemented the atmosphere and mood, as the girl shoe felt rejected and was very upset by the turn of events. This we felt would help in conveying to the audience the mood, and the feelings felt by this particular character.