Wednesday 1 December 2010

Editing - Scarlett Giannotti

Looking throughout three tapes of footage I had no doubt we had enough clips to fill our music video to Best Coasts "Feeling of Love". However some unwanted features were caught in the background of our shots which were not identified when filming. E.G. a Hand, Item of clothing and even an onlooker! We were able to cover these mistakes by applying editing feature letter-box, this decreases the frame height, addaing thick black borders. Our whole music video needed to be letter-boxed which took time adjusting each individual shot to equalise the frame sizes.
We had to minimise the variety of footage accumulated due to the amount of safe over filming; this allowed us to be selective in the better qulaity shots we chose to use.
Other editing techniques added within the production of our music video were tittles allowing viewers to identify with characters and fade-out at the end which adds a professional finnish and complete ending.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Editing - Jay Gomez

When we uploaded our footage, we took a look through it and we found that in some of the shots there were things that we did not want in the shot. For example somebody's hand or an item of clothing that we didn't want in the shot. Once we had found these, we had to letter-box those shots so that we could cut out the unwanted items. However, this meant that we had to letterbox all the other shots so that all the frames would look equal and the same. It would look odd if some shots were letter-boxed and the rest of the shots were not.
This letter box effect did cause a problem with some of the shots though. Because of the angle of the shot some of the shots had to be shortened or lengthened so that we could fit them into the video so that it would be in sync. This sometimes affected lip synching when we showed a performance shot, but we were able to quickly overcome this problem.