Tuesday 21 September 2010

A Potential Music Video Idea- Jessica Hung Han Yun

Lisa Mitchell is a low key Indie/Pop British Female artist and Singer/Songwriter. Her song Incomplete Lullaby is one of the Music Video's from which we took inspiration; we found the style interesting and unusual; with cleaver use of Stop Motion usually used by non-mainstream Bands which engages the audience. 
The Genre of Lisa Mitchell's Videos are similar to Best Coast; the band we have chosen to use within our Music Video. The laid back, Mellow Genre fits well with our Music Video Idea.

The Conventions used within this Music Video are the Pace of the shots edited to match the pace of the music through the use of cross cutting.
The Mise-en-scene clearly represents the Mellow style of the Video Genre; Costume is simple and the background consists of natural, earthy, plain colours.

However a convention we decided not to use, was the performance element as we felt it would not go with our idea, and that it was not necessary.

By researching music videos this helped in developing our idea, and giving us a new take on what we could create!