Tuesday 16 November 2010

Documented - Second Day of Filming-Hayley Donovan

The second time filming was pouring down with rain! The weather was a major drawback for us, because our Music Video included sunny weather.We collaborated as a group and decided not to let the rainy, damp weather put us a step behind.

One of our scenes consisted of an inside living room setting, therefore we all headed to Hayley's house who had the most appropriate living room layout space. We needed to create a cosy, romantic atmosphere therefore we gathered cushions and blankets to be situated around the two pair of shoes as they watched a film whilst eating from a bowl of crips (another prop).
After the scene had been set with props we framed the differeent shot angles to show variety within our video. To enhance the effect that the 'shoes' were watching a film, we flashed a miniture torch onto them from the background it has an effective impact in the shot, giving the look we wanted to portray.
Having completed the living room scene we headed outside to film the introduction of the different shoe characters using stop motion. With one umbrella between us we tryed to maintain the camera and shoes dry from the consistent pour of heavy rain, in the cold rain. Stop motion was a task which took time and seemed even longer in the cold weather!
However all in all our second day of filming was a success, we over came obstacles and got all the footage we needed for that day.