Monday 6 December 2010

Using Digital technology-Jessica Hung Han Yun

From starting off the process of producing a music video digital technology was used straight away. Starting up the process we had to start up blog, this blog we keep on updating throughout the production of out music video. At the start we used the Internet to start to research into different music video this research was essential to the process this was because this enabled us to get an idea of the conventions of a music video that we could include. From collecting the information about the conventions of a music video we had to use digital technology for us to broaden and learn more about the process of producing a music video to a high standard. 
We also researched and started to analysis what song we should use, so by using the Internet this enabled us to get information on the artist and the sing so this would give us and insight to what our music video should portray.

Next in using digital technology that we used was the cameras, we had to use the cameras a number of times in the production. We firstly used the cameras when planning, we did this by making a story board (hand drawn) and then we had to develop it into a animated storyboard so this would give us an idea of how our finishing product would look. We had to then use the cameras to film each of the shots that we had drawn, then by using the camera we filmed each shot for at least 5 seconds each so then we could have enough footage just in case. The we uploads this to imovie HD on the apple macs another thing we used from digital technology. By uploading this onto the mac's and by using imovie HD it enabled us to visualize what our music video could potentially look like. In imovie HD it was very important in this process, this was because it enabled us to cut the clips that we had filmed and by cutting this clip we were able to put it to the music that we were also able to upload to imovie HD. 

When it finally came to producing the music video we used the camera  to record however we also used a cannon SLR to take photos of the process and to back up our stop motion. By using the camera we were able to take photos of the process so to refer this back to our bog and to help in showing to the readers how we were able to achieve certain angles. Th SLR camera was also used for the stop motion, as a back up. As we had already done the stop motion clips on the camera  (recording) we were unsure whether it would be okay on recording the clips and so to make sure that we had a back up we took photos on the SLR camera. 

From the filming process we also had to keep on referring back to our blog to make sure that we had to update what we were doing everyday in the filming process. 

Moving on from filming we went back to using the macs for imovie HD, to start the editing process. The editing process was made much easier by the using imovie HD this was because when it came to editing we wanted to use some effects which we were able to do by imovie HD for example when we had to add text to our video it was very simple by going to effects and applying to the video. 

During this proccess we learnt the GREAT importnace of digital technology within the indusrty because without it the media world of course would not be able to survive at all. Digital technology enables you to become creatuve as a person and to capture moments as a director that you are able to share with the world in the eyes of a director. When using the digital technology it enabled me to experiment with the technology that I had to use and even though it was not top of the market technology it did the job and still I was able to create a product that was effective and told the narrative in a way that used effects and a variety.