Tuesday 11 January 2011

Other forms of Music Advertisement- Hayley Donovan

Even though in our coursework we are designing a magazine advert for our song , we could consider how other forms of advertisement could boost the popularity of the song.

TV Adverts...

On the television we see constant adverts on the new releases of albums , this is a clever way for an artist to promote an album/single , because most of the population has a TV in their household. With a TV advertisement not only does the audience see what the album looks like, but also they hear current songs that feature on the album. This boosts consumption, because they may hear a song they like, that they have not heard before.

This Tv advert for 'Alicia keys' Includes all featured songs and awards that she has won. This is a great way too elevate her record sales and draw attention to a new audience.


Billboards is another good way of promoting an album, in you go into the city of london their are billboards everywhere of all kind of different advertisements. One including music advertisements, because they are so big and captivating it is hard for anyone to miss it. So again another great way for an artist to draw attention of the population.

This billborad features 'Christina Aguilera' and includes songs featured on the album and the date it comes out. The images shown are captivating as they are quiet unusual therefore drawing the attention of passers by.


Radio stations are listened to all over the world, so this type of advertisement is a way of in a sense 'telling the truth' the audience can get a feel of how important the artist feels about the album and how genuine they are.

This is a Radio interview with Beyonce on her new album "I am... Sasha fierce".