Wednesday 9 February 2011

Evaluation Activity 4 - How did you use Media Technologies in Research and Planning, Construction and Evaluation Stages? - GROUP

Research and Planning

During our research and Planning Stages of our Music Video we created our own Blog Account on the website '' using the Internet source. We were able to use our creativity when designing the Layout of colour, Font, Presentation, Format, Images, Videos and Relevant Hyperlinks. Our Blog Layout is a representation of us as a group; who we are and our personal tastes; as a mixed gender group we kept the colours of our Blog as neutral. The Blog allows us to document our work, ideas and progress to identify our development towards the final.
We identified the conventions in an analysis of the Music Video, we used the Internet source 'Youtube' and 'Google' for Information and research. We then identified the conventions of specific genres using our own knowledge and the Internet source.
We then researched the History of the Music Video using Internet source 'Google', 'Youtube' and 'Wikipedia' to progress through the decades.
We then used our own knowledge and Internet source to identify music Video Do's and Don'ts; looking at other A2 Music Videos of previous students
In order to gain inspiration for our Final Music Video we performed research using Internet source 'Youtube' and documented potential Music Video Ideas.
I researched Locations we could use that was realistic and accessible but creative and relevant.
Having decided we finally pitched our idea to peers using a PowerPoint presentation to make it more engaging for the audience. The PowerPoint included research images and Videos we had taken as inspiration and Background information on the Band 'Best Coast' and song 'Feeling of Love' using the website 'Wikipedia' from the Internet source.
We then deconstructed the Lyrics to 'Feeling of Love' using soft wear 'Micrpsoft Word'.
Our Prelim Task was filed using a Mini DV camera; which captured a variety of shots and clip lengths. The song selected for us was 'Maggie Riely's' 'Moonlight Shadow'. We researched the original Video for inspiration using the Internet source 'Youtube' and the Lyrical Content and Background information (Which influenced out Prelim Music Video Idea) using the Internet source 'Wkipedia'.
After drawing our Storyboard we used a Mini DV camera to separately film each square section to create an Annomaited Storyboard which was edited using IMovie HD. And Itunes to download and layover the song 'Feeling of Love'.
The Blog was regularly updated with ideas and progression documented in Weekly Logs. We wanted to maintain the presentation and efforts into our Blog as we did our Music Video.

We gathered Mise-en-scene such as Props and Costumes; each bringing our individual input. We then began filming and took shots with our own digital camera during the process which we wanted to upload onto our Blog however there was a problem with the down load and the images were unable to be shown.
We uploaded all of our footage onto IMovie HD; cut it up and arranged it into scenes, we then added necessary transitions and laid over the song 'Feeling of Love' which we had downloaded from Itunes.

I used Microsoft Word to type up the notes from the opinions and feedback from peers so they could referrer back to when filming. I also down this for our own group analysis. A Mini DV camera and Tripod to film Audience Feed back and Analysis as well as our own Evaluation before using IMovie HD to download and Edit. We then converted distributed our Prelim Music Video Task, Final Music Video Task, Final Pitch Idea and both Evaluations onto the Internet source 'Youtube' which reinforces the quote  "The line between audience and Director is becoming thinner due to development of digital technology."