Thursday 16 September 2010

Conventions of Music Video - Scarlett Giannotti

Camera Shots:
Music Videos tend to include a variety of Cinematography to capture different angles and shots of the Artist, Mise-en-scene and Performance.
Close-up shots are used to identify the emotions of the Artist/ Characters within the Narrative allowing the audience to emphasis/sympathise,engaged by the Video. Close-ups may also be used to reinforce the lyrics of the song and capture lip syncing.
Establishing shots can be used to allow the audience to identify the Mise-en-scene within the Video which could be the 'Hook' for them to understand and continue watching. It is a great and simple way to introduce the Location, Artist/Characters.
Mise-en-scene reflects the entire genre of the Music Video; what look the artist wants to portray and what audience they aim to appeal to.Mise-en-scene consists of the Location, Setting, props, Costume and Make-up.
Cuts and Transitions are a predominant editing technique used within all Music Videos they too have an effect on the Narrative and genre.
Cuts are usually to the pace of the Music to emphasise the beat. Whereas transitions such as fade in/out can introduce the Music Video and End it; another transition such as Black and White or Rippling effect can suggest Past tense.

Other Main General Conventions consist of:
Lighting - Some Music are in Black and White (usually Indie genre) which emphasis a particular mood and some videos have artificial lighting to highlight the Artist.

Sound - Sound is mainly the vocals of the song, but in some cases such as Micheal Jackson's 'Thriller' Producers can make the video into a short film and add Dialogue and Voice Overs.

Props - Props are vital to add to a scene, they create significance on particular objects/People.

Costume - Goes with scenes in the song and reflects genre. Costume is important is an important factor because it has slight influence on how viewers will dress because some see celebrities as idols.

Colour - Tend to set the mood of the song through creating an atmosphere. Dark Colours used more in Rock genres and colour in Pop/Hip hop Videos.

Music Video Conventions for the Majority of these Specific Genres

Indie/Rock -
  • Tends to be Black and White
  • Artists/Band Shown throughout Video
  • Extreme Close Ups and Long Shots
  • Dark Locations
  • Some use of special effects
E.G. Kings of Leon, Arctic Monkeys and The Fray.

HipHop -
  • Locations tend to be a Party, Club, Fancy Location
  • Use of Alcohol
  • Recognised Branding of Clothes
  • Expensive Cars and Houses
  • Camera Shots tend to be long, establishing, close-ups to identify assests
  • Attrctive women
  • Does not follow story Line only Genre
  • Artists tend to be involved
E.G. 50Cent, T-Pain

  • Bright and Colourful
  • Close-Up's to show emotions
  • UpBeat
  • Aimed at Teen Audience
E.G. Britney, Alesha Dixon, Pixie Lott