Monday 13 December 2010

Editing-Jessica Hung Han Yun

During editing it was a long process meaning that I had to be extremely careful with what we would have to cut and how it would effect the whole of the final product. During the editing process we had moments where to had come across as predicament which we had to resolve. When I was editing I came across a problem which was when editing another clip this meant that the lip syncing was out of place for the other section of music video this was a huge problem that meant that we had to go back over a reedit shots with the lip syncing so for this to not happen we had to keep the clips that had been cut and we didn't use just in case that the clips needed to be lengthened again or reedited. 

When editing the most major problem that we encountered would have to have been the end of where we had too many shots and the narrative would not fit into the end of the song this entailed us having to shorten the narrative. We originally had extra shots of the shoes together on a date running in the park however we decided that this section was not needed, this was because we felt that we already had enough dates of the shoes together to be clear to the audience what is going on. We felt that the ending of the song was much more important than the park and from reviewing the rest of the music video we felt that the park scene was not to a high enough standard when it came to the final shots as there was not a good variety of shots for us to get different perspectives of them. 

Another major problem that I had encountered when editing was when we edited a partular point that we had already inserted into the video it would mess up the lip sycning in other sections of the video this would totally throw off the video and this looked unprofessional which is definately not what we wanted as a group. To stop this from happening any more than it did I ensured that in the process i was very precise with what i was including and would also confrount the group in deciding what was wanted and would only re-edit if the whole of the group didnt like the scene or section then we would edit. In this when it did happen (of whihc it did happen a few times during the process) i had to look back into the trash of Imovie and had to then search back for the clips that I had deleted from the page to link back onto the previose shot then re-edit to make the lip syncing back to normal This was a long process however was needed to make sure that it precise. 

In the editing process we had to resolve problems as a group however at certain points we all had a different opinions on certain shots or certain angels, as we all had a different view on how we saw some the end product however by comprising and talking as a group we were able to resolve the problems.