Tuesday 14 December 2010

Weekly Log - Tuesday 7th December- Hayley Donovan

In this lesson first of we went through all the conventions of a Digipak that we researched the day before, so they were fresh in our mind. We were then asked to get into our groups and decide how we would start planning our own digipak.

First of all , we did a brainstorm of potential idea that we use , we wrote down what ever popped into our heads even if they were too far fetched. This helped up to pick out ideas that we wanted to use and which ones we thought would work well.

Then we drew out an outline of the digipak starting off with the inside, we decided to add pictures that would tell the story of of the music video.

Left inside panel: Girl and boy shoe sitting on the bench
Middle inside panel: Girl and Boy shoe waving goodbye to each other
Right inside panel: Boy shoe and slut shoe behind the tree

We then decided to add the lyrics to the inside left panel , because when the group researched examples of digipaks, it was a common convention that we found.

We then moved onto the front cover , our initial idea was the take a photo of the girl and boy shoe together with the slut shoe faded in the background. The title was going to be at a slant in the bottom right-hand corner.

Font:  Monotype Corvisa
Colour scheme: Burgundy and Cream to match the softness and urban colour scheme throughout the music video.