Monday 24 January 2011

Advertisement: Conventions - Hayley Donovan

This is our advertisement. Straight away we have used a typical convention this is having the artists name bigger than the rest of the font and shown where it can clearly catch the audiences eye. We have also put it in a different colour, therefore standing out even more.
Another convention we have used , is an image to represent the artist or album. We used a picture of the shoe as it is an iconic image used throughout our video and is used on the front panel of our digipak therefore we tried to make a link between all three aspects of the coursework.
In the research of advertisements , one of the most common convention we came across were reviews from top music magazine and critics. We decided to add this in as it made the advertisement look professional and the stars add to the whole layout of the advertisement. Another convention we decided to use was what exclusive songs were put on the album and where it  could be purchased. This type of convention adds to the advertisement as it catches to audiences eye and it is clear indication to where to buy the album and what the audience should expect.
Tour dates are not essential on an advertisement but we felt it was a nice touch and it enables the band to not only promote an album but also promote there concerts in which people could purchase tickets for.
Lastly we included the record label logo , this was so that copyright could be granted and if the audience see a record label that they have heard quality songs from before then they are likely to buy another album that they have produced.