Sunday 23 January 2011

How we Produced our Digipack-Jessica Hung Han Yun

Photoshop on mac
When producing the digipak considering what the aim was for the audience response to it was the first theme that was encountered. I thought that the most important thing the we want the audience to think with the digipack is that its appealing and to make a clear distintive link to the music video this resulted in making sure that we used the characters within the video. So by using photos of the 'her' show the 'him' shoe and the 'the other' shoe this would ensure that the audience would understand what we are trying to attempt to achieve in this digipak.  The meant that the first thing we wanted to establish was that it linked then next it was onto the content. From our research on digipacks there we definately conventions that were used in every pack this created a pattern that we noticed and this helped us in the deciding what was important to include within the pack within the written side. This was the lyrics then the track listing information on the record label (copyright) and of course including the bands name. This was a simple task to make clear on what we wanted. We found it easy to do these two tasks mainly because we already had an idea of what we wanted out of our digpacks and what we wanted to audience to see when they saw such a product on the market.

Next we then had to go about getting the photos of the shoes that we wanted. In these photos the important features that I wanted to ensure was being shown was that the way in that the shoes were placed in the photo would be very significant, as I wanted to humanise the features in the photos of the shoes. This was to make the video more realistic in a way and also to link back to the video to make it clear that it wasnt just shoes being photographed however they were as though they were human. 
Then i also researched into the size and propotion of the digipack. Which was easy to find over the internet yet also to make sure that it was correct having to look myslef by actually measuring a digpack, which was 12cmx12cm. 

Then from this stage I began to experiement with what I could achieve on photoshop on this I leanrt short cuts so that I could achieve effects on the digipack quicker I did this before we needed to start the digipack. For example I learnt about the layers that are involved within a graphic design in photoshop. These layers are extrmeley useful howevr at first are a bit of a pain however you need time to get use to them and then you start to see the way that the work and how that they are extremely useful in producing a graphic design. This is because teh layers enable you to focus as a design on a feature of the design then if enables you to just edit that specifically so it tailors to what you want as a designer. A short cut that I learnt was how to change the background when you first go into photoshop. When you first get onto a new page I chose my measurements of 12x12 this made sure that the space I was working in was the space in which would be the correct size to what the digipack would actually be like. Then the first layer that is then on the new page is the baklcground this background is locked usually however can be unlocked this i did unlock so that I could change it to experiement with the colours within the background to see what would suit the style the best. Then for changing the background i clicked onto that layer then by using the keyboard i used the shortcuts: COMMAND SHIFT RETURN to get a colour chart up of whihc i then chose a colour then to apply to the background layer I pressed: ALT and DELETE, this then applied the colour to the background layer

Another trick that I learnt that I felt was important to the process of the making of the digipack was adding swatches to the colour palatte in photoshop. This was importnat because I was using different colours for the font and for other features in the digipak I chose colours which we from a colour charct and to save them so that I could refer to them later to ensure that it the correct matching colour to the previous page of the digpack (to make it match linking it) I made the colour i chose as a swatch on the colour palatte. To do this i chose the colou rthen on teh right hand side to this was a button called 'add swatch' of which i pressed then this colour came up on the sidebar which i then could refer to when i needed to do so in other sections of the digipack. 

Cropping the photo and edditng the size of the photos was also a problem that I encountered as I wasnt sure how to edit this. So i researched how to and I found that editting the image side in edit was how you could do this. So i went to edit to image size to edit it to 12x12 however because some of the photos (backcover and middle covers) were taken and not to a square size however they were taken and the camera converted them into a rectangle shape the 12x12 did noy come out so this meant thta instead i had to change the canvas size. The canvas size then meant that it in a way cropped the photo of which I dragged to centre to ensure that the photo was focused on the shoes.

Effects was what I also inculded within the digipak. The effect that I used on all the photos was in 'filter' under filter i experiemented with blur however I felt that this did not achieve what I or the group wanted however i then experimented with the filter 'noise' of which my first reaction was that it was amazing and was achieving excaltly what i and the group wanted. It was also how i picutured the photos to be like, another reason for this effect is that its unusual and is quirky which was an aim for the digipak as we felt thats what the song was like and how our video came across as. So with this filter effected called noise I was able to create a eye catching and eye pleasing design. To ensure that it linked to the whole of the digipack I felt that I had to put this effect to every photo. At first I was unsure of how this would come out to be like however when it was added (the effect) to every photo I loved the finished effect it gave and it fitted with all the photos really well giving them character and also giving the photos more of a vintage and a unquie look. 

A challenge that was also definately faced was also to do with the font of the writting. Deciding on the font rosewood std was because it was very fancy which made it stood out in our digpack as our digiapck is very simple which we thought was more effective rather than having to much information and to much clutter on the pages of the digipack. So the font would stand out, it had circus feel to it and this was very nice to have as an effect for the design. With the writting on a certtain page I had to roatate the writting. I had to do this by going to 'free transform' under 'edit'. This then enabled me to freely handle the font. 

In choosing the colour for the font it was at first because it looked nice on the frount cover however then it developed into a theme that I felt and the group felt should run throughout the digipack. The colours that i chose i made into swatched so that i could use them again and again in the digipack. The colurs also matched eachother and none of them clashed with eachother or none of the colours over lapped when you looked at them . However all the colours within the pack matched really well and made it very appealing to the eye and to look at in general. 

Photoshop was such an major programme that was used in producing the digipack it was so importnat without it we would not have ended up with such a professional looking digipack that would be very convincing to anyone who saw it. Th epragramme phtoshop I first found hard to use adn hard to get use too however when researching and praticing the techniques that could be achieved in photoshop I found it easy and very simple, yet it gave such a professional finish and such an appealing digipack. 

By using photoshop it also gave a taster to how the industry producers such a product as a digipack how they use photoshop to design professional looking products that entice the audience and the consumer. It gave me and idea of how importnat shuch a pragramme is to this, it enabled me to be creative to experiement yet easily change certain aspects of the product. It also enabled me to learn how this process works from the ideas then into producing it into a real proper product.