Saturday 22 January 2011

Advertisement: Picture and Font- Jessica Hung Han Yun

Font chosen: Rosewood STD
Picture: 'HER' shoe

With the final advertisement thinking about font and the picture was an extremely important factor towards our final product. The importance of font to a poster/advertisement will portray to the audience how professional the advert is and with the font it will capture the eyes of the audience and can show what type of a poster we want to show to the audience. 

With the font we had to carefully scan though the long list of fonts to find the perfect font. With this font we wanted to make sure that it linked to the actual digipak to ensure that the audeince will link these to products together to ensure that they buy the right product. Will the font this will make the audience link the font on the advertisement to the font on the digipak which is very important to mkae sure that you promote your product correctly. With the font we had to also  consider the colouring of it which means that we wanted it to also make a link to the digipak. The colours on the poster (on the picture) are the colours which re also used in the digipak, we thought that this would help in estblishing a connection with the two products. 

Then we had to decide in the pictures which we wanted to put on the digipak, this was the very mean feature on the page that would capture the audience most. So in clearly chosing this photo we knew that it would influence and be the main reason why the reader/viewere would stop and look at the poster. Yet we also knew that to show that it links to the digipak and also to our final project (music video) we had to include the main character (her shoe) to enforce the idea of 'her' being the main focus showing that the her shoe was the artist singing. So as a group we decdied that using the frount cover picture would be the most approiate to the advertisement, so that its easier for the audience to assoicate the advert with the music video and also with the digipak. 

Then the next task was to ensure that the picture that we had chosen for the advertisement went very well with the font that had been chosen. This to ensure that together they would portray and reflect the message we want to convey and the link that we wanted to show the style/genre by putting together the font and the picture. When doing this we discovered the the font 'ROSEWOOD STD' was the most suited to what we wanted which was a simple yet was quirky and unusual that had a nice twist to it, as the song is unsual yet has a certain likeness about it which is definately what we wanted to achieve and feel like we have in this digpack. 

Establishing links in with the music video,digipk and the advert was the most important thing we had to do in this task and I think that we achieved this with extreme care and very well. As a group we had to make sure that we made decisions that would a) achieve the task to the highest standard b) ensure that included very ones ideas that would create a masterpiece that would appeal to everyone, and also to our target audience (tenns upwards) and that it would reflect the genre of the piece how its different to what you would usually find, as its not excaltly main steam however has a nice touch and a twist of difference in the music of best coast whihc we as a group attempted to ahcieve in all of our tasks (music video, digipak,advert) and I think personally we did achieve.